Saturday, June 27, 2015

Grandpa and Grandma Come to Visit- Part 5- Birch Bay

Saturday evening we headed out to Birch Bay for a little beach time/picnic/bonfire with Grandpa Glen, Grandma Tara, Auntie Kim and Uncle Thane. I was pretty eager to see how Annaliese would do with Elias and Reed together...and she did great!

There was some kite-flying...

Reed and Grandpa Gillette

Some sand-castle building (and the necessary trips to get water to build the sand-castles!)

And of course some eating (we had a taco-bar for dinner,) roasting smores over the fire, and enjoying being together at the beach.

 Grandma and Haleigh

 Grandpa and Malachi

 Grandpa and Haleigh

And a random guy with a parrot...

Sunday morning, Grandpa and Grandma and Auntie Sarah, Reed, and Kieran packed up to head home. There was a little bit of time in between packing for a bit of playing around the house and Reed and Kieran discovered the Princess Dress-Up box! 

Thank you for coming to visit! It was so much fun having everyone stay at our house and to be able to spend time with you! 

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