12.29.19: Sleeping through the night in panties
09.29.19: Potty-trained during the day (mostly)
09.04.19: First bee sting
08.24.19: First night in her big-girl bed (the bottom bunk!)
06.01.19: Able to jump and get both feet off the ground
07.07.18: Finally walking more than scooting!! Yay!!
04.10.18: Stands up in her crib for the first time
03.25.18: Pulls herself up to standing all by herself
09.30.17: Officially done nursing!
09.24.17: Drinks the last of the pumped/frozen milk!
08.15.17: Starts scooting on her bum to get places
08.10.17: First word: Hi!
07.05.17: Starts clapping!
06.18.17: Waves for the first time!
04.27.17: First tooth! Bottom right:)
04.22.17: First night away from Mom and Dad!
03.12.17: First solid food-avocado!
03.01.17: Starts sitting up on her own
02.12.17: First time in the nursery at church
01.06.17: Rolled over from back to belly
12.22.16: First time on an airplane
12.18.16: First time bowling
12.12.16: Babbles and coos consistently
10.21.16: First night sleeping in the crib in her own room!
10.20.16: First real smile
10.08.16: First time visiting a zoo!
10.07.16: First road trip and stay in a hotel (Portland)
09.17.16: First shopping trip to the mall (to buy Annaliese's shoes!)
09.10.16: First walk/hike to the ocean (Pt. Whitehorn)
09.04.16: Birthday
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