Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Grandpa and Grandma Come to Visit-Part 2-Auntie Sarah Comes to Town

Grandpa and Grandma returned to our house on Tuesday and we spent the afternoon and evening playing a few games and hearing about their little trip. On Wednesday, Auntie Sarah, Reed, and Kieran arrived! (Uncle Jon was busy working so he wasn't able to join us this time.)

I had to work on Wednesday, so I wasn't home when Auntie Sarah arrived, but it sounds like Annaliese had a great time showing her cousins her playset and all her toys!

Greeting them as the got off the plane

Reed looks a little unsure of where it is that Annaliese is so confidently leading him!

 Kieran is quite the little climber!

 Cousin bath time!

Bedtime stories

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