Monday, June 1, 2015

A Memorial Weekend Painting Party

We've been talking about re-painting our house for some time now. When we moved in, we really liked the colors and thought that the former owners had done a good job with the painting. However, as time has passed, we've noticed that they didn't really do that great of a job and we didn't actually like all of the colors as much as we initially thought! 

The paint store had all their paint on sale over Memorial Day Weekend and my parents had the whole weekend they suggested we spend the weekend painting. And we did. (Well, they did. I personally did not do much of the painting...but I spent a lot of time keeping little children away from wet paint!)

We started with the front living room; It started out as a light brown/tannish color; we painted two walls blue and the other walls a lighter tan color.

The kitchen was a bright pastel-ly green color that we changed to a light blue.
 Kelsey and Mallory came up for the weekend to help us:)

The playroom went from purple to bright green.
(Clearly not a great picture! But I have some fun artwork that will look great once it's up on the walls!)

The girls' room went from pepto-bismol pink to purple.

We only did stripes on one wall; the other three walls are the lighter shade of purple. 

We also painted both bathrooms; the master bath is this dark green and the main hallway bath is the light purple from the girls room. Everything feels so much cleaner and fresher and my parents are amazing for spending so much time painting!

As I mentioned, I kept the kiddos busy and out of the way as much as possible. We spent a lot of time in the playroom before that was painted, and then moved outside:)
 Elias and Annaliese reading stories (out loud, simultaneously)

Lunch time picnic...keeping our PB and J sandwiches on the mat...and only on the mat so as not to get peanut butter on any toys:)

Annaliese and Mallory...looks like we did more eating than playing:)

We are very happy with how everything turned out and now are eager to get things decorated a bit more! Thanks Mom, Dad, Kim and Kels for helping us get it done!

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