Thursday, June 18, 2015

Grandpa and Grandma Come to Visit- Part 1

Grandpa and Grandma Gillette flew up from California on May 28...they were planning on renting a car and then coming to our house in time for lunch. But we decided it would be fun to surprise them and meet them at the airport. Annaliese loved watching all the planes land while we were waiting!

We spent the next few days relaxing around home; Annaliese was able to take Grandpa and Grandma to gymnastics class and we spent some time at a local park. 

 Very focused on climbing up the rope ladder

 Grandma and Haleigh selfie

Bath time fun!

Saturday morning, Grandpa and Grandma packed up their things and headed on a little exploration journey of Washington and Canada. They did some hiking and enjoyed the gorgeous views!

They returned to our house on Tuesday and spent the remainder of the week with us!

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