Monday, June 29, 2015

Horseshoe Bend Trail

Kyle and I have been talking about getting out and exploring the many trails that are close by...on Father's Day we invited my parents along on a hike to Horseshoe Bend Trail. (Actually, we invited them over for lunch...they said they were thinking about going for a hike. So we went to their house for lunch and then went on the hike that they were planning on doing;)

Regardless of how it came about, we all went on a lovely hike together along the North Fork of the Nooksack River. It was a relatively flat trail so Annaliese was able to hike almost all of it! She did an amazing job! Most of the time she would pretend she was 'a lion chasing someone' and made a game of the hike:) She was also a fan of Grandma's camel back for frequent water stops!

 Grandpa carried Haleigh for the majority of the hike

 Snack break

 By the end of the hike, Haleigh had had enough of the Kyle carried her the rest of the way

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Grandpa and Grandma Come to Visit- Part 5- Birch Bay

Saturday evening we headed out to Birch Bay for a little beach time/picnic/bonfire with Grandpa Glen, Grandma Tara, Auntie Kim and Uncle Thane. I was pretty eager to see how Annaliese would do with Elias and Reed together...and she did great!

There was some kite-flying...

Reed and Grandpa Gillette

Some sand-castle building (and the necessary trips to get water to build the sand-castles!)

And of course some eating (we had a taco-bar for dinner,) roasting smores over the fire, and enjoying being together at the beach.

 Grandma and Haleigh

 Grandpa and Malachi

 Grandpa and Haleigh

And a random guy with a parrot...

Sunday morning, Grandpa and Grandma and Auntie Sarah, Reed, and Kieran packed up to head home. There was a little bit of time in between packing for a bit of playing around the house and Reed and Kieran discovered the Princess Dress-Up box! 

Thank you for coming to visit! It was so much fun having everyone stay at our house and to be able to spend time with you! 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Grandpa and Grandma Come to Visit- Part 4- Around Town

On Friday, we planned on visiting a park, the Marine Life Center and then having a picnic lunch by the water. A bit ambitious!! We made it to the park and then had so much fun we spent the whole morning there and didn't have time for the other things.

We visited what is quickly becoming one of our favorite parks- Squalicum Creek Park. It has swings, several play structures, a merry-go-round/witches hat thing, and a zip line! (The only problem with it being such a cool park is that it is also a favorite of just about everyone in Bellingham so it is usually quite busy.)

After our morning at the park, we headed home so the adults could have lunch and the kids could rest. The afternoon at home meant more play time outside and a birthday cake for Grandma's birthday!

 All 4 cousins playing together!

 Helping make the birthday cake