Monday, January 23, 2023


 Annaliese's basketball game was on Friday this past weekend, which meant we had an entire Saturday with no plans. We really enjoy cross-country skiing, but the girls have outgrown their skis and we just aren't quite set up for that right now. But, I was able to grab a few pairs of kid-size snowshoes off Facebook Marketplace so we headed up to Mt. Baker for the day. 

Usually, we make sure the weather is going to be just perfect because we want to set ourselves up for a successful day, but this time we just went because we had the time. It rained off and on for the entire drive, but we were optimistic that the higher up we went, the higher the likelihood of getting snow instead of rain! 

Cuties! Everyone is happy now that we stopped for lunch!

And thankfully, we were right! For most of the day, we had huge snowflakes and very little wind. Overall, the girls did a pretty good job. We aren't quite sure how far we went- Kyle's GPS tracker said 5.5 miles. Mine said 4 miles. 

We went on the White Salmon forest service road; it was mostly downhill for the first half, with a steep hill at the end to what was probably a very pretty overlook. It was too cloudy to see much though. Somewhere along the way, Lydia walked out of one of her snowshoes; thankfully the snow wasn't very deep and she didn't even notice! Since it was an out-and-back trail, we found it on the way back.

Trying to build a snowman.

Our view at the top!

Despite the crying and all of the 'I can't do this' and 'I'm never going snowshoeing again' comments, once we made it back to the van, everyone said they had a good time!

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