Friday, January 13, 2023


January has been off to a great start. We were all ready to get back into the routine of school, of our morning walk to the bus stop, and to see friends again. We're back in the routine of basketball practice, piano, and Small Group, and we added an Acro class for Haleigh to our schedule!  

We've had some incredible sunrises recently. 

Several of our friends have had babies recently and Haleigh has been asking if she can hold one of them. Here is Baby Bea...she's 7 weeks old and such a cute little peanut!

Annaliese has such incredible hair!

Grandpa and Grandma will be leaving soon for their trip to warmer weather, so we are trying to fit in a few more fun activities before they leave. Last weekend we all got together at Kim's house for dinner and game night. We had ourselves a ping-pong tournament (Grandpa won,) Spoons, and a handful of other games, plus some rather spicy but tasty Green Curry for dinner.

This game of spoons started with 12 people playing...Ben and Kelsey made it to the final round.

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