Friday, January 27, 2023

Random Phone Pics

It's amazing to me when I go back and look at my phone what pictures I find! The girls will frequently get a hold of my phone and can access the camera without having to unlock the home screen. I've found quite a few fun selfies, lots of lego pictures, a few videos of the girls talking to themselves, and some random pics of the furniture in our house!

Annaliese's hair is getting so long! We've had fun braiding it and trying out some braids I've found online!

Playing with hair chalk

These two were home from school for a few days with some sort of bug that left them just wanting to sleep all day!

Lazy dog!

Haleigh's class led chapel earlier this week (Haleigh is wearing the pink/white/black coat)

Haleigh and Lydia laid out their clothes before hopping in the shower!

Ice cream date to Edaleens!

We went for a hike on Gold Mine Trail out in Everson one afternoon. The girls had all spent the night at Kelsey's house to celebrate Mallory's birthday and I met up with her, Grandpa and Grandma, and Kim and Thane for a muddy but not rainy hike! Kyle wasn't feeling well so he opted to stay home.

Grandpa and Lydia


This was the face I got when I asked for a smile

While the girls were with Kelsey, Kyle and I took the opportunity to go out on a date. We went for a hike at Larrabee and went out for dinner. 

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