Saturday, July 17, 2021

Friday Harbor...Happy Birthday Kyle!

 Kyle's birthday was back in April, but he was gifted a 'flight' with a local pilot. It took some time to get all the details arranged but last weekend we met up with Rafael at the Lynden Airport and he flew us to Friday Harbor for the day! 

Sitting on the end of the airstrip, almost ready to take off.

Kim was watching the girls; they walked over from their house to this field to watch us take off. I just missed them in my picture...they are just to the left:)

Flying over Orcas Island.

We made it...we hopped out of the plane and he kept going!

Our original plan had been to hop on the trolley and ride around the island, but once we were there, we decided to rent bikes and bike around the island instead. We divided it into three 10-mile sections. Our first stop was Roche Harbor for lunch. 

Our next stop was Lime Kiln State Park. Apparently, it's pretty common to see whales from this location, but we didn't see any. One gentleman told us that because there aren't as many salmon, there aren't as many whales either. It was still absolutely gorgeous to just stare out at the water!

From here we headed back to Friday Harbor. After returning our bikes (quite possibly the most comfortable bike I've ever ridden!) we grabbed something to drink, walked around the town and little bit and then made our way back to the airstrip. 

We biked on the road the whole time but there was pretty minimal traffic and it was such a pretty ride!

Rafael picked us up about 4:00. It takes about 25 minutes to fly from Lynden to Friday Harbor, so on the way back, we took a more scenic route, flying over the water a bit more, down south over Anacortes, and then out towards Mt. Baker. It's amazing how many small islands are out there! 
This plane was built in the 1960's!

Mt. Baker and the Twin Sisters.

Mt. Baker.

Rafael let Kyle fly for a little bit!

The airstrip in Lynden

Flying over Kim and Thane's house; you can see the airstrip at the top of the picture. 

It's always nice to go out on a date, and when it's a day date that includes flying to an island for the day, it's even better! We had so much was a great way to celebrate Kyle's birthday!

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