Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Spring Break

We kept our Spring Break pretty low key; no trips planned and no crazy adventures. Not even a lot in the way of playdates scheduled. But we were intentional about spending time doing fun things together. So we baked gluten free/dairy free/oat free peanut butter bars, we went for walks and rode bikes, and Annaliese invited her cousins over for a Spring Fashion Fling (thanks Fancy Nancy for the inspiration!)
Making Peanut Butter bars 
Playing legos

What, you may ask, is a Spring Fashion Fling? According to Fancy Nancy, it's when you decorate Easter eggs, make new doll clothes, set up a runway, and have a fashion show where your dolls model all their new clothes. You then have brunch, complete with pizza, tiny sandwiches, cake and ice cream. Annaliese decided that her Spring Fashion Fling was going to consist of decorating Easter eggs, doing their own show in whatever costume they chose, and eating lunch together (pizza and ice cream.) She spent quite a bit of time making a banner to hang in the kitchen and made several lists of everything that needed to happen in order to get ready for this event!
The S.F.F. 

They chose to be gymnasts for the show

Fire Fighters...they would come in and put out fires so the show could go on!

Owen, Malachi, Haleigh, Mallory, Elias, Annaliese, and Lydia

Decorating eggs

Dessert time!

Nothing like a game of 'Outfoxed' to finish out the party!

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