Wednesday, April 3, 2019


This month started off with Papa Jay and Grandma Kelley's visit and celebrating Haleigh's 5th birthday. The time since then has flown by and it's hard to believe that we are in the first week of April. Once again I find myself looking back at the pictures I've taken to remember what we've been up to!

With all the snow that we received this winter, we were able to make 2 more trips to the snow. One weekend, Kyle and the girls headed up with some friends from church for a day of sledding. It was my weekend to work so I couldn't join them, but that didn't stop Kyle from packing lunches and having a fun day!

The next weekend, we invited some friends to go snow-shoeing with us. The weather was gorgeous and it was a great last trip to the snow for the season! We don't see the Anderson's very often, so it was fun to be able to spend some time with them. It's also incredible how much more fun the girls have when they have friends along! They were laughing almost the entire time.

Corbin, Jen, McKinley and Cole

A little sledding down the snowpile

Lydia didn't love it

Haleigh and McKinley

Here are a few pictures of the rest of our month:

Annaliese reading in chapel

Annaliese's class led chapel based on the Armor of God from Ephesians.

Free ice cream from Dairy Queen for the first day of Spring

Elias and Annaliese working on their stepping stone for
Grandpa and Grandma's birthday present

Kyle took the girls on a walk at Hovander Park

It's been so fun to be able to get out and do more activities this winter! Kyle made it up to snow for skiing, sledding, or snow-shoeing 5 out of 6 weekends in a row! The girls seem to like the snow more and more each year and although we've packed away the ski gear, we are already talking about how fun it will be next year.  

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