Wednesday, June 7, 2017

9 Months!

June brings the beginning of summer and the realization that Miss Lydia is 9 months old! She continues to be so much fun, constantly smiling and just goes with the flow! It amazes me how well she puts up with her sisters and all of her sisters friends who like to say hello, touch her feet, and get in her face!
Sleeping: Lydia has started going to bed closer to 7:30pm; I'm not quite sure when she wakes up- I think somewhere around 6:30- but she is quite content to lay in bed for a little while! Our goal is 2 naps/day, but our schedule doesn't always make this possible. Thankfully, she does pretty well if she doesn't get both!

Eating: Lydia is still nursing 4-5 times/day. She also eats breakfast, lunch and dinner with us at the table, usually eating whatever we are eating. She loves pretty much everything we've given her! I don't really have a list of the things she's tried since it literally is just whatever we eat! With Annaliese and Haleigh, I remember making my own baby food and freezing it but with Lydia, we spent very little time in the 'pureed foods' department and went right to finger foods!

Clothes: Lydia is still wearing 6 month clothes; some of them are starting to get a little small but it's not to the point where I have started packing them up yet! Diapers are size 3.

Teeth: We now have 4 teeth, all on the bottom! Thankfully, they haven't seemed to bother her at all!

Activities: Favorite activities still include bath time, jumping in the jump-er-oo, playing with Daddy, and sitting at the table with everyone!
A tired, serious moment

A rare unhappy moment!

Push-ups anyone?

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