Saturday, December 3, 2016

Squires Lake

Kyle and I decided that we need to be a bit more intentional about getting outdoors on the weekends. With the potential for such dreary weather, it is easy to stay inside and not do much of anything. 

Mt. Baker has already received a decent amount of snow, so we thought it might be fun to try snow-shoeing this weekend. However, given the forecasted rain and the possibility of there not being snow at the level of the Sno-Park, we decided to forego the snow-shoeing and go for a hike instead. Turned out to be a good decision!

We went to Squires Lake, just south of Bellingham. It's a relatively easy 2 mile loop around a little lake. Kim, Elias, and Malachi joined us and I think we all appreciated the fresh air and getting outside a bit. We only got a little bit wet and the sun peaked through the clouds a few times! 
Lydia taking in the view...she stayed awake for most of the hike!

Malachi and Haleigh

Annaliese and Elias

Kyle and Haleigh

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