Haleigh, Eden, Josephine, Annaliese, Lydia, Eleia, Holden, Brooks |
The most frequent question asked when people hear about our friends visiting is, "Are they all staying at your house?" and "Where is everyone sleeping?" So to answer these questions, yes, everyone stayed here! After all, with early bedtimes and the need for naps, we didn't want anyone to have to leave so that these things could happen. So we borrowed a trailer! (Thanks Auntie Patti and Uncle Harv!) Russ and Jenn and the boys slept in it; we used a baby monitor to be able to hear how naptime/bedtime was going. Adam and Ashlie slept on an air mattress in the living room, Josephine and Elea were on air mattresses in Annaliese and Haleigh's room and Eden slept in Lydia's crib and had the room to herself!
As far as activities went, we kept things pretty low-key. In fact, the kids never left the house! They spent all their time dressing up as princesses, queens, fairies or Winnie-the-Pooh or playing outside!
It wasn't actually that warm outside... |
Brooks wishing he could be outside too! |
The big girls hanging out with Lydia |
Bedtime story with Adam |
Watching a movie for rest time |
Apparently it's more fun to eat lunch under the table! |
Kyle and Adam getting their girls ready for bed! |
Trying to figure out the water filter on the fridge:) |
Josephine and Annaliese |
All princesses play outside in their dress-up clothes, right? |
Sorry Holden and Brooks...this is what happens when all your friends are girls! |
We thought it would be nice for the adults to get some kid-free time as well. On Saturday, Kyle, Russ and Adam played racquetball together and then ran a few errands for us. Sunday, Ashlie, Jenn and I walked down the street to Greene's Corner for lunch. I think we all enjoyed the uninterrupted conversation!
Ashlie, Jenn and I enjoying lunch at Greene's Corner |
Kyle, Russ and Adam trying to figure out how they can watch football:) |
Playing cornhole |
Playing in their fort since it was too cold to play outisde in bathing suits! |
The fort! |
Russ and Jenn had to leave early Monday morning in order to catch their flight from Seattle. The Feffer's were spending the week with other friends so they didn't have to leave until after lunch. We decided to venture out of the house and all go for a walk at Hovander Park.
Haleigh and Eleia |
Josephine and Annaliese...take 1 |
This was so fun to see! We got to see the Feffer's right before their trip up to see you guys. Miss you all!