Tuesday, October 4, 2016

One Month!!

It's hard to believe that Lydia is already one month old! Maybe it's because we've had several visitors and have been busy with 'normal life,' but the time sure did go by quickly! It feels like she has been part of the family for much longer than that and I feel like we have all adjusted to having her around.

As far as babies go, she is pretty easy! She eats like a champ every 2 1/2-3 hours, doesn't seem to mind the plethora of hugs and kisses she receives from her sisters and sleeps well at night...can't ask for much better than that!!
She obviously isn't doing much at this point, but she has started to track with her eyes occasionally, loves to be rocked or held, and enjoys bathtime. She also seems to enjoy tummy time and will occasionally fall asleep on her belly. 
I weighed Lydia this morning, and on our home scale, she weighed in at 11 pounds! She has a long torso and short legs, so 3 month onesies fit great but the 3 month pants are still a little big, although starting to fit much better! We are in 3 month sleepers and size 1 diapers.

We haven't tried to get into any sort of napping routine yet so our naps are very sporadic during the day. If I am home and want her to nap, I definitely have to rock her to sleep and then put her in either the bassinet or this rock-n-sleep thing we have. She won't fall asleep if she's not moving! At night, she usually eats around 9:30-10:00pm and will sleep until sometime between 1am and 4am...no consistency at all! I had wanted to try to get up at 6:30am and start our day then, but when 6:30 rolls around, I am usually not ready to get up. So this only happens when we need to get up to get Annaliese to school! I am clearly not much of a morning person:) 
I'm trying to use the pacifier in an attempt to prevent thumb-sucking...
we will have to wait and see how successful I am!

Soaking up the sun!

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