Last weekend, Grandma Kelley ran the Portland Marathon! Since Portland is only a few hours away (4 1/2 hrs without traffic or stops,) we decided to drive down to watch her run. We found a fabulous hotel, complete with two rooms and a full kitchen, and spent both Friday and Saturday night there.
Friday evening we picked up Grandma from her hotel and went to a cute Italian restaurant for dinner. This was the first time we've taken all three girls to a nice restaurant and they all did quite well! It helped that Grandma was there, our waiter was very accommodating, and they were able to order their own pizzas for dinner!
Lydia spent the first half of the meal just chillin' in her carseat! |
Saturday was a free day at the Oregon Zoo so we decided to check that out. We met Grandma there and spent a good part of the day checking out all the animals. Thankfully it didn't rain and turned out to be a beautiful day!
Polar Bear |
We spent a lot of time by the elephants; we actually saw them close off one section and then let out a few other elephants, including a baby, into a different was pretty neat to watch the zoo-keepers make them go where they wanted! |
I'm not sure what they are looking at...but it certainly has their attention! |
The rhinoceros...did you know they can run up to 30mph? |
Trying to be a flamingo too! |
We ended the day with some ice cream! |
From here, we headed back to our hotel and Grandma met up with her friend Mimi, and Mimi's family. We stopped at the store and grabbed some food for dinner (since we had a kitchen at the hotel!) and then spent the afternoon relaxing. The girls were excited to watch a movie and Kyle and I watched some football before dinner and getting everyone to bed early.
The marathon was Sunday, which unfortunately was a very rainy day. We decided we didn't want to try to figure out traffic/road closures/zillions of people down by the start/finish areas so we planned on being around mile 18 and 21 to see Grandma and Mimi. I was able to download an app that had a live-tracking system so we could see exactly where Grandma was at and plan accordingly. It worked out really well! After the first stop, we hurried to get back in the car, and as we were going, Annaliese started crying and screaming, "I don't want to go to one more." Kyle and I were a bit perplexed by that and when we asked her why not, she said, "I don't want to go to one more. I want to go to more than just one more." Oh, the mind of an almost-five year old!!
Kyle dancing in the rain with Annaliese and Haleigh |
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