Friday, January 1, 2016

Let the Christmas Festivities Begin!

On December 23, we met up with Grandpa, Grandma, Auntie Kelsey, Mallory, Uncle Thane, Auntie Kim, Elias, and Malachi for some 5-pin Bowling in Canada. 5 pin bowling consists of just 5 pins and a much smaller bowling ball so it was fairly easy for the little munchkins to handle. It's a completely different scoring system and a pretty fun game to play!

Elias, Mallory, Annaliese, Malachi, and Haleigh

 Haleigh's turn!

 Malachi, just taking it all in!

The final scores...Grandma won!!

After a longer than expected wait at the border crossing, we made it back to our house where we enjoyed pizza and opened up our stockings. 
 5 Little Cousins in Matching Pajamas!

Grandpa and Grandma with the kiddos and their stockings!

 Annaliese trying on her new ear warmer

 Malachi must have been bored with the stockings...
or maybe he was still hungry!

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