Sleeping: There haven't been any changes in Haleigh's sleeping patterns. She still goes to bed between 7:00-7:30pm and sleeps through the night, waking somewhere around 7:30ish. Lately the girls have been sleeping until 7:45 which is absolutely wonderful! (There was a day last week where they didn't make it past 6:15 though.)
Nap time happens every afternoon around 1:00 and typically lasts about 2 hours. Occasionally she will also take a short morning nap, simply because she looks so tired or will fall asleep in the car on the drive to pick up Annaliese from school (which is about 10 minutes!)
Haleigh sleeps with her purple bunny and a cup of water and usually is asleep within minutes of laying down! She is still in her crib, although I think for safety reasons we may be close to transitioning her into a bed. Annaliese has gotten Haleigh out of the crib several times this past week. I don't know how they do it but so far it has worked out ok!
Eating: Haleigh loves to eat and she will try just about anything. However, she has been in a mood lately where she will only eat dinner if someone is feeding her. She loves to have cereal for breakfast, isn't a fan of deli meat, and wants to have what everyone else is having. Ideally, I think she would prefer to just snack all day long!
Clothes: Mostly 24 months/2T at this point although some new 2T pants are quite a bit too big. She still fits into some of her 18mon fleece jammies too. Shoes are sz 5.
Talking: We are slowly starting to hear more words from Haleigh, but for the most part it is just a lot of grunting and pointing. She has a word for anything to drink "wa-wa" and can say 'yeah' 'no' 'aw-ya' (awesome) 'hewwo' (hello) and will mimic a few other things occasionally. Her first two word phrase is "no mama" which she uses a little too frequently!
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