Monday, December 21, 2015

A School Christmas Concert and some fun in the Snow!

Last week Annaliese's school had their Christmas program. Her preschool class sang two different songs. They were accompanied by the 4th graders because, although most of the kids knew quite a few of the words to the songs, preschools are not known for singing loudly on stage! Annaliese dressed up as Mary and her friend Kenan was Joseph. The rest of the class were angels. 

"Campana sobre Campana"

Haleigh doesn't ever want to miss out on any of the fun...
so she needed her own Mary costume:)

We've had quite a bit of rain lately which means that the mountains have had quite a bit of snow! We headed up to the Salmon Ridge Snow Park on Saturday to check it out.  The snow park is definitely designed for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing with several groomed trails, and we will have to go out with our snowshoes later this winter. This time we took a sled and just wanted to make sure we had the necessary gear for everyone to stay warm!
It was a beautiful drive...we took a little detour around a construction zone 
and saw dozens of bald eagles! (no pictures of them though)

It took so long to get packed up and to the snow park that by the time we got there it was time for lunch before we even started playing in the snow:)

 Catching snowflakes

 Attempting to build a snowman

 Daddy and Haleigh sledding down the 'hill'

Not a fan!
 Daddy and Annaliese

 Checking out the trail

We ended up playing in the snow for over an hour! It took Annaliese a little while to get to used to the idea of snow, but she ended up having a lot of fun. Haleigh only had fun if she was sitting on my lap or I was carrying her. The good news is that everyone stayed warm and dry (thanks to a few Christmas presents we opened early!) and we will definitely go again!

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