Saturday, December 31, 2016

More Christmas Fun!

Since I am still off work for maternity leave, we decided this would be a good year to travel to California for Christmas. It gave us the opportunity to see lots of family that we haven't seen since we moved 2 1/2 years ago! 

We flew in Thursday evening and both Papa and Gigi, along with G. Momma came to pick us up. (We decided that instead of referring to Grandpa and Grandma as either "Grandpa Jay" or "Grandma Kelley" to differentiate them from "Grandpa Glen and Grandma Tara," we would pick their own name. After much thought, Annaliese chose Papa and from here on out, they are Papa and Gigi!) We had pizza for dinner and settled in after a long day of traveling. The girls did great on the plane and it was actually a very smooth process!
At the airport waiting for our flight

California here we come!

Lydia and G. Momma

Bedtime story with Gigi and Papa

On Friday, we headed into Visalia to see a couple of friends. We met up with Julie and Travis and their two kids, and Michelle and her new little baby boy. It was so fun to see them, meet their kids and catch up on life! Julie and Travis have 2 kids, Christian and Brooklyn and they are both just a few months older than Haleigh and Lydia, respectively. Michelle and Steve have a little guy, David, who is about 6 weeks old! 

Haleigh, Lydia, Annaliese, David, Christian, Brooklyn

We headed back home in time for lunch, and Auntie Sarah, Reed, Kieran, G. Momma, Uncle Peter and Auntie Laurie were all at home waiting for us. The kids were so excited to see each other and immediately gave each other big hugs and starting playing together! 

Lydia and Auntie Laurie

Auntie Sarah and Lydia

Lydia on her new quilt from Auntie Laurie

Kisses from Gigi


On Sunday, since Ben and Kelsey were still in town, we decided to get together and go bowling. We got three lanes, so the guys were on one lane, the ladies had a lane and the kids were on their own lane with the bumpers up. I think everyone had a good time and Annaliese keeps asking to go play "bowling pin" again!

Let the Christmas festivities begin!

We had our first Christmas celebration on December 17 with the Hendricks' side of the family. We all gathered at Grandpa and Grandma's house shortly after breakfast and spent the day eating, opening presents, eating some more, and opening more presents!

We started with family photos while everyone still had fresh smiles and clean clothes!

Trying to get Grandpa and Grandma with all their grandkids

Thane, Kim, Elias, and Malachi

Ben, Kelsey, Mallory, and Owen

Once the pictures were done, we moved on to cinnamon rolls and stockings! We let the kiddos open a few presents and then they went off to play while the adults opened a few. The kids would come back for another round or two and then go back and play. After lunch and a few more presents, they watched a movie which allowed us to open presents quite peacefully and enjoy what we had given each other! 

Lydia and Owen hanging out together!

Annaliese showing off her new biking shirt!

Elias, Annaliese, and Grandpa working on a new puzzle

Doing a little crafting while the adults open a few presents

Kyle and Mallory working on a "My Little Pony" puzzle

My new little nephew!

Haleigh and Uncle Ben