Sunday, December 21, 2014

Grandpa and Grandma Gillette Come to Visit!

Last weekend Grandpa and Grandma Gillette made a quick trip up to WA to see our new house and where we are living now! They arrived on Thursday morning and we spent the day just hanging out at home. Once Kyle got home from work, we headed out to The Cliff House for dinner to celebrate my birthday. The girls did amazingly well and we all enjoyed each other's company. (The food was just so-so!) 

Friday Kyle had off from work so we spent the day doing some house projects like cleaning the gutters, setting up the swing set and discovering a few fun things that were left in the attic! I headed off to work only to return home after a few hours with a migraine. While having a migraine is never fun, it did mean that I got to cuddle on the couch with Annaliese while we all watched Frozen together!
 Fixing the blew over in the wind the day before!

 Love this smile!

Saturday morning my parents came over. They were babysitting Mallory for the day so she came along too! It is always fun to see the cousins interact together! Mallory is crawling all over the place so that was entertaining to watch.
 Cousin Mallory just taking it all in!

 Haleigh checking out Grandpa's coffee!

 We found this reindeer up in the was pretty funny watching Kyle and Grandpa figure out how to get it down!

They had to head home Sunday and both Kyle and I had to work Sunday; needless to say, I think we were all glad to see each other again! It was a short trip but full of lots of fun and Annaliese definitely loved playing with Grandpa and Grandma Gillette! 
 13 attempts at a photo of Grandpa and Grandma with their's a few:)

Quick walk/bike ride around the neighborhood 

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