Tuesday, December 16, 2014

9 Months

It's been over a week now since Haleigh hit the 9-month mark! And I almost just by-passed this post altogether...but I did take her 9 month pics so I figured I should post them! Haleigh continues to be a happy little kiddo! She loves to smile, to be part of the action and to be doing whatever Annaliese is doing. She goes with the flow and puts up with a lot! Annaliese is still figuring out what it means to 'be gentle with Haleigh' so Haleigh goes from sitting to laying down and back to sitting frequently thanks to Annaliese.  "But Mom, Haleigh wants to be on her back." Right, Annaliese. She also gets blamed for a lot. "Annaliese, why is the tv on?" "Haleigh wants to watch a movie." 

Eating: This past week week Haleigh started eating small things that she is able to pick up on her own. It's pretty funny to watch her eat something for the first time. She looks at it with a serious expression on her face...looks at me with a 'Is it really ok to eat this?' look...then looks back at the food before picking it up. She then puts it in both hands before eventually sticking the piece of food in her mouth! 
    She still drinks 4 6oz bottles of formula/day and usually gets solid food for all three meals. 

Sleeping: No changes here; She goes to bed around 7:00 and sleeps until about 7:45 most days. This morning she slept in until almost 10:00!! No need for a morning nap today! She typically takes two naps and at least one of them is about 2 hours long. 
 Trying to figure out why we still don't have the 'O!'

Clothes: Haleigh is wearing all 9 month or 9-12 month clothes. Most of her 9 month footie pj's are too small and sleeves on onesies are getting too short. I keep saying that it is time to get the 12 month bin of clothes off the shelf. I'm just not sure I'm mentally ready to pack up all the 9 month stuff. I go through this at each stage...she's just growing so quickly!

Activity: Haleigh isn't crawling yet but she gets where she wants to be either by rolling across the floor or with Annaliese's help. She also 'bounces' a lot and seems to be able to move by doing that!

 (This was staged for the photo...she doesn't stand like this on her own)

Teeth: As of yesterday, we have 4! Three on the bottom and one on the top just poking through! This also means we have lots and lots of drool!

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