Friday, June 21, 2013

Swimming Lessons!

Annaliese just started swimming lessons through a program called Baby-Seals. She goes 4 days/week, for 10 minutes each day, for 6 weeks. It's one-on-one with the instructor and the goal is to teach 'survival swimming.' This is a little video clip from her first day. I will try to take more pictures and videos as we progress, but I will be in the water with her a fair amount of the time. 

Day 1 she did great...I was at work so Amy, the baby-sitter, brought her and Kyle met them at the pool. I guess Annaliese didn't cry at all and the instructor was impressed with how she did. I was able to go for day 2...and she cried and tried to suck her thumb every time she came up for air! Today I was in the water for the first time and Annaliese practiced swimming back and forth between me and the instructor. She did really well!! It's definitely a lot of work though, because we've gone from just needing one nap to needing two naps every day since our lessons started!

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