Thursday, June 20, 2013

Father's Day!

We packed everything up into the truck...including Kyle's dirt bike...and headed to Grandpa and Grandma Gillette's house for Father's Day Weekend. We were excited to hear that it was only supposed to reach 96 degrees (as opposed to 106 like the previous weekend!)

Friday night we had a delicious dinner of mahi-mahi that Grandma Kelley prepared for us...dinner was followed by bath time in the kitchen sink.

Saturday we slept in (meaning we were all up by shortly after 7,) ate breakfast, and headed up to the cabin. Kyle and I haven't been there in awhile, so it was exciting to see all the new construction that's been going on.
Annaliese was very excited about all the rocks she found:)

 She's off exploring!

 Smelling the flowers

 She looks to be pondering something...

 Checking out the new bed in the bedroom upstairs

 Kyle brought the dirt bike up to the cabin to ride around a bit

 Apparently one of Grandma and Grandpa's favorite things to do while up at the cabin is use the bb gun to shoot an empty paint we all gave it a try too!

Before lunch, Grandma, Annaliese and I headed home so Annaliese could get a normal nap; Kyle and Grandpa stayed up at the cabin and rode the dirt bike a little more...Kyle has all the gear for this ride!

Saturday night we met up with Uncle Jon, Auntie Sarah, and Reed and all went out for dinner to celebrate Grandma's birthday! The kiddos did great, especially since we had to wait a long time for our food! 
Hugging good-bye in the parking lot

Walking to the car with Auntie Sarah and Uncle Jon

On Sunday, we hung out around the house, walked the dogs, shot Kelley's dad's pistol, and went swimming. Annaliese loved being in the water!

And, since it was Father's Day, there were cards and gifts to open.

Sunday evening, after packing up all of our stuff, we headed over to Auntie Sarah and Uncle Jon's house for a Father's Day dinner...the food was delicious and Annaliese and Reed seemed to have fun playing!
 Picking out a good toy to play with

Ready for a ride from Reed's Uncle Drew

With Great Grandpa Dean and Great Grandma Didi...we tried several shots...this was only one with everyone's eye's open. It's too bad they're not looking at the camera!!

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