Sunday, June 30, 2013

Camping with Feffer's and Prentice's

Every summer we try to get together with Adam and Ashlie and Russ and Jenn for a camping trip. It's becoming more adventurous each year as we add little kiddos to the mix!

This year we decided to stick close to home and go to Lopez Lake. It was super hot out (the car temp said 109) so we didn't get to do any hiking, but we spent time hanging out at the campsite, playing cornhole, and swimming in the lake. 

Hanging out at the campsite

 Snack time...Annaliese and Josephine eating Cheerios together

and feeding them to each other!

I think I may have overdressed Annaliese the first night...but she had this cute little fleece sleeper thing that I wanted to use! And I will add, she did sleep all night, so it mustn't have been too bad.

 Annaliese and Kyle hanging out at the picnic table...we were in charge of Saturday morning breakfast so they were trying to keep busy and stay cool until the others woke up!

 Adam and Jo

 Isn't she cute...she's about 2 weeks younger than Annaliese!

Giving hugs

Jenn and Holden didn't spend the night, so once they arrived Saturday morning, we packed things up and headed to the lake. I didn't take the camera, so I don't have any pictures of us swimming or our little hang-out spot:( Even with the shade, it was still very hot!

The guys making us lunch

 Back at the campsite...look at that dirty face and tongue!

 It was too hot to nap today...and Josephine and Annaliese both handled it very well. Annaliese was clearly very tired and didn't make it through dinner. And she apparently thought we were being too loud as well!

 Group shot

The daddy's with their babies

It was a fun, tiring weekend adventure and we're looking forward to doing it again next year!

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