Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm not typically a fan of Valentine's just seems a bit too commercialized. I had fleeting thoughts of making cute Valentines Cards, especially after receiving a cute card from cousin Reed, but Valentine's has come and gone and they are still just fleeting thoughts, now turned towards next year. This is the closest to a card that we come: 

Thankfully, the grandparents are more thoughtful!

 Annaliese was very focused on opening and reading her card from Grandma and Grandpa Gillette

Daddy reading her the card from Grandma and Grandpa Hendricks

Kyle was also a bit more into the Valentines Day Spirit...he got us both flowers! A lovely bouquet of red roses was waiting on the table for me and Annaliese got her own special bouquet too!
Annaliese's flowers...she loves them! Her face lights up when she sees them in the morning!

Auntie Jenn volunteered to babysit for a little while so Kyle and I could go out on a date. We made ourselves a picnic dinner and took the Volvo out onto the beach...we caught the tail-end of the sunset, sat in the back of the Volvo eating our dinner, and played around with different settings on our camera. For not having anything planned, it turned into a fun evening!

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