Friday, February 15, 2013

And She's Walking!! (sort of)

Annaliese is finally starting to show an interest in walking around like the rest of us, although she clearly still prefers her scoot! She will confidently walk down the hallway if she's got a hand to hang on too, but once we let go, she usually goes down too! We did catch a few steps on camera though!!

So very sorry it's sideways...

Here are a few other pictures taken around the house throughout the week.

 Annaliese is a big fan of these alphabet books...she carries them everywhere!

 Looking for "Beee" (said in a high-pitched squeal!)

Still carrying the books around!

 Binky anyone?

 All tuckered out...

Playing with "Beee"


Annaliese works so hard to climb onto the couch...and she can usually make it up!

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