In the past, I've laid the blanket on the floor and the struggled to get Annaliese to lay down next to the bear...we have a new strategy! We are to going to hang the bear and have her stand next to it from now on! She was much more cooperative!!
So what is life like with a 15-month-old-Annaliese? It looks a bit like this:
Wake up time: Somewhere between 6:30 and 7:00
Sleep schedule: We are still on a 2 naps/day schedule with the morning nap happening around 9:00 and lasting for 1 1/2-2 hours and the afternoon nap starting around 2ish...that being said, it is currently 3:30, and while Annaliese is clearly very tired, and we have tried to make nap number 2 happen several times this afternoon, it does not seem to be going well.
Food: Besides fresh veggies, Annaliese eats the majority of things that we eat...she makes it very clear when she doesn't like something though! Her likes and dislikes seem to vary from day to day, with eggs still being at the top of the list of 'dislikes.' She wasn't too fond of the peas I offered her at lunch either. And while she really likes beans, they reappear practically whole in her diaper, so I'm holding off on those for a little while!
Favorite foods include avocado, strawberries, Jamba Juice smoothies, cheerios, and english muffins.
Teeth: 8; 4 on the top, 4 on the bottom (the fourth one is just barely making its appearance...but we'll still count it!)
Clothing: Mostly all 12 month stuff at this point...we tried a 9-mon outfit yesterday just because it was such a cute one, but it was clearly too small!
Shoes: Size 4...and she is becoming much more tolerant of them!
Things she likes: pushing around 'walking' toys, putting toys in and out of a basket, climbing, swinging, Brodie, brushing Mom's hair, zippers
Words: hi, yeah, no, daddy, ma, be (Brodie), outside, mil (milk)
Mobility: She is finally starting to walk! Throughout this past week she has started to take a few steps on her own if I set her down in a standing position or she'll pull herself up on the couch and take a few steps away from it. She's made it half way down the hallway on her own! However, if she wants to get somewhere fast or is lazy, the scooch/crawl is still her number one choice!
Grandma Kelley came to visit for the weekend (that was supposed to be a post in and of itself, but everyone got sick:( so not many pictures were taken
Fun with Daddy!
Going on a picnic...appears like it might be a lot of work and she's not so sure it's worth it!
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