Monday, December 10, 2012

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

Setting up our Christmas tree has been a week-long event. On Monday, we headed to Orchard Supply and Hardware in search of the perfect tree. After perusing the available selection, we quickly agreed on 'the tree' and strapped it to the top of the Volvo.

Annaliese has the tag off the it's ours!
Once home, Kyle brought it into the garage, and while he got the tree stand all set and I got things ready inside, Brodie guarded the tree.

It took until Wednesday for me to be able to get the lights on...Annaliese hasn't been too interested in it. She watched me untangle the separate strands of lights, but hasn't made any attempts to touch them. At one point, she crawled under the tree. But when she went to sit up, it was pretty prickly, and she hasn't tried that again!

And last night we finally got around to putting on the ornaments!
Annaliese is putting on her first ornament! And then she promptly took it off again!

All decorated! Yes, all the ornaments are on the top  part of the tree...hopefully to deter  Little Missy from grabbing at it!

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