Friday, December 28, 2012

A Saturday as it should be

I typically work on Saturdays. I really can't complain, since this is by choice. It means that Annaliese is only at a babysitter two days each week and she and Kyle get an entire day to spend together...just the two of them. But lately I've been trying to take a Saturday off here and there so we can do fun stuff together.

A few weeks ago, I took the day off and we had a great time together! (I fully intended to post this earlier, but the internet wasn't cooperating and then Christmas came...but better late than never!) And since I just got my new camera, we took lots of pictures!

We started off the day by making a delicious breakfast of eggs and toast, of which Annaliese ate a ton of! That girl sure can put the food away! This was followed by listening to Kyle practice his guitar, playing with toys, a run on the beach, and running errands while Annaliese played with a couple from church (thanks Wayne and Carey!) It ended with the 3rd Annual Gingerbread House Party and Russ and Jenn's house...I think we finally succeeded in making a good gingerbread house! All in all, it was a wonderful day and I am looking forward to my next Saturday off!

 She's got some new fascination with her tongue!

I know she's not looking here, but in the other picture she was picking her nose!

Apparently we did some laundry as well!

 Very's all about setting a good foundation!

And the finished product! 

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