Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Kari!

Earlier this week, I celebrated my 29th birthday...and with that came the reminders from everybody that this is the last year in my twenties (as if I didn't realize that myself!) Annaliese and I had a relaxing day...really nothing spectacular, and then Kyle and I went out on a date! Sorry, no pictures...but we did enjoy a delicious dinner at Rooster Creek Tavern, a cute restaurant in the village of Arroyo Grande, followed by some final Christmas shopping. 

Kyle had picked up on my not-so-subtle hint and gave me a much-nicer-than-anticipated camera! He even let me open it the night before so I could spend my birthday taking pictures! Most of them got deleted...I've got a lot to learn when it comes to photography. 
a new running it!
 Trying on my amazingly comfortable new boots!
Experimenting with some of the 'special effects' 

Here are a few of the pictures that have been deemed worthy enough to keep! Mostly because Annaliese is just so cute!
Very much focused on pulling things out of the diaper bag!
Perhaps waking up to the camera flash isn't the best way to wake up:)

 Crawling down the hallway and over her stuffed dog Brady
Checking out the latest packages

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