Monday, July 3, 2023

Summer is Here!

 We started summer off with a playdate with cousins, some impressive fort-building, and a new swimming pool. 

This is actually the second, less impressive fort. The first one was in Annaliese and Haleigh's room and only had room for two of the girls to sleep in. They tried again downstairs so everyone would have a place to sleep...but then ran out of time to cover it. But they all slept well!

After spending lots of time trying to figure out the best option for swimming lessons and not coming up with anything that would work, we decided that the best way to get the girls comfortable in the water was to get our own little pool. Plus, it was actually cheaper than swimming lessons:) So we ordered it off Amazon, it showed up the next day and we set it up! 

The water is very chilly!

We've had friends over to enjoy the pool, played at the park, went to VBS, and spent an afternoon bowling. June was filled with a lot of fun activities and it's hard to believe it's already over!

Swimming with new friend Aleyah


Haleigh did a running camp at Berthusen (she's on the left)

Clearly having a good time...

VBS craft!

Playing legos together!

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