Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Spring Soccer

 Annaliese has been playing soccer this Spring with Lynden Action. Her team, the Green Gators, hasn't won a game all season, but Annaliese has improved a lot. It's fun to see how aggressive she has become and her awareness of what's happening on the field is obvious. She's scored several goals as well, which is always fun!

Overall, Annaliese was pretty frustrated with how the season went and she is hoping for a better season in the fall. Really, what she would like is for Kyle to coach and her teammates to put a little more effort into the game. (And to be honest, I think it would be super fun for Kyle to coach!)

On the plus side, we made it through an entire season of spring soccer and only had a little bit of rain for one game! That's pretty much a miracle here in the PNW!!

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