Tuesday, June 13, 2023

It's the End of the School Year!

 We made it to the end! School wrapped up last week with lots of fun activities at school!

Annaliese's class wrapped up with a 5th-grade barbecue. She said they ate hot dogs and had lots of free time outside. In her class, she won the genre award for reading the most books from different genres this year. 

Haleigh's class celebrated with a few games, certificates for everyone, and a tasty lunch. Her teacher isn't coming back next year and we will all miss her dearly. 
Elias receiving his 'graduation' certificate

Mallory receiving hers!

Spanish Bingo

Haleigh receiving her certificate

The whole class

So fun having these three in class together!

Lydia's class had their party on Wednesday. They had a pinata, played outside, and had a yummy lunch!

Lydia and Senora Hernandez

Lydia and Senorita Rawls

Last day of Kindergarten!

We are so grateful for such incredible teachers this year. They all invested so much in each of our girls and were able to give them so much love and attention, each in the way they most needed it! While we are very ready for summer break, we are also very aware of how special it is to have teachers who care so much for our kids!

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