Thursday, January 6, 2022


 We split up our Christmas celebrations into several different events. We did an adults-only dinner at my parent's house on the Thursday before Christmas, Christmas with Grandpa Jay and Grandma Kelley via FaceTime on Christmas Eve, and then we spent all of Christmas Day at my parent's house with all the kiddos. 

The adults swapped names this year, and we all contributed to a delicious dinner of brisket, homemade bread, salad, potatoes, and bacon-wrapped asparagus. 

On Christmas Eve we opened presents from Grandpa and Grandma Gillette. The girls had no idea what they wanted for Christmas, so every present was a surprise!

In the evening, we went to church for their candlelight Christmas Eve service. I snuck a quick pic of the girls! Then we opened presents from each other. 

Somewhere in there, it started snowing and I fit in a quick cold run!

Christmas morning started with a zoom get-together with Auntie Laurie, Aunt Sarah and Uncle Jon, Grandpa, Grandma, and G-Momma. We all exchanged names and opened them together via Zoom. As much as I don't like zoom, it is fun to be able to do things like this!

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