Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Despite all the stay-at-home recommendations, we decided that our mental and psychological well-being were more important and we traveled to California for a week in July. 
It was the best decision ever as we had a fantastic trip! We flew out of Seattle- there were no lines, the plane was only 60% full, and it is only a 2 hour flight!! We started out by going to Grandpa and Grandma's house and we were all very eager to see the new house in person!! It was beautiful! We took the dogs for a walk in the orchard, Grandpa taught the girls how to drive the golf cart, and Annaliese learned how to play Bananagrams. We did family pictures, spent a day swimming at Uncle Jon and Auntie Sarah's, spent an afternoon with Melissa and her boys, and went hiking in Kings Canyon. And we discovered that Haleigh loves cats- she would get up every morning and first thing would go search for Snickers and Houdini.. and then spent every chance she had all day looking hanging out with them!

Loving on the kitties!

Haleigh and Travis

Kyle and Will

Melissa and her three boys!

It's kind of dark, but Annaliese is driving Grandpa around!

So cozy!


We hiked the Redwood Canyon Trail, with the goal of getting to a waterfall. Apparently the waterfall was dried up because we never found it! But it was a nice hike nonetheless.

This tree was huge!

We think the waterfall was supposed to be around here somewhere!

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