Friday, February 7, 2020

The Rest of January

January has been a pretty dreary month with a lot of rain and snow so we haven't been able to spend too much time outside. That means that there has been lots of time inside for art projects, dancing, reading books, and playing legos. 
Kyle took Annaliese to the Y to play racquetball. She loved it!

Coloring by lantern...the power went out one afternoon.

Thane made these shelves for me for Christmas...I love how it turned out!!

Lydia, Annaliese, Nora, and Haleigh...Kyle went on a hike with the girls and his friend Justin while I was hoping sleeping. 

Homemade playdough creations

Malachi and Lydia playing in the puddles at Hovander.

Lots of water across the trail!

January went by really fast; now we're already a week into February. I would say 2020 has been off to a good start. We starting using a new book called 1-2-3 Magic to get the girls to be better listeners and it has made a huge difference at home. They are so much more fun to be around! It's good to be back into the rhythm of school; we have a fun small group that meets every Monday night; church is starting a new kid's ministry that sounds super exciting; we know what the plan will be for school for next year; Kyle has been super busy with his business and is seeing an increasing number of clients. We're a month into the new's exciting to see how the rest of it will unfold!

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