Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Winter Break...Number 2

After Christmas break, we had a week of school before we got hit with an arctic freeze that brought snow, ice, freezing cold temperatures and an entire week of snow days! Unfortunately, I had to work most of the time, but the girls still managed to have fun. Sarah, our babysitter, is amazing and took all 3 girls (instead of just Lydia) on Monday. On Tuesday, I was home but it was too cold and windy to go play outside, so we hung out inside and then watched tv all afternoon so I could take a nap before I ventured back to work Tuesday night. Wednesday, Grandpa and Grandma came and picked them up and they spent the day at their house. They ate donuts and made bird-feeders for the birds! Plus, Grandpa and Grandma just bought a new truck so they thought it was pretty cool to get to ride in it! 

By Thursday afternoon, I was done sleeping/working for the week and the sun was finally coming out, which meant we were finally able to get outside and play in the snow! 

We had several house projects planned for the weekend, with the biggest project being to paint the office. It was an ugly yellow with red, fake wood blinds. We painted it the same beige color as the rest of the house and put up new white blinds. It is amazing how much bigger and brighter the room looks. And thanks to Mom and Dad who came over and helped paint! And thanks to the Magic School Bus for keeping the girls entertained!!

We rounded out our week off by heading up to Canada for some 5-pin bowling on Sunday afternoon. Kyle stayed home and put the office back together while I took the girls to Alder Alley for some bowling with Kim, Thane, Elias, Malachi, and Grandpa and Grandma. We had a lot of fun; the bowling alley was really dark with weird lighting so the pictures are pretty terrible. We had the kids on one lane with the bumpers up and the adults on the second lane...with no bumpers. And a trip to Canada isn't complete with donuts and coffee from Tim Horton's so we stopped there on our way back. 




Cheering on Lydia!

Discussing donut was a big decision!

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