Sunday, May 5, 2019

April...Part 2

As I was looking back at our pictures, I realized that we have actually done quite a few fun things this past I divided it up into two different blog posts.
Last weekend, the Lynden Library had an event called "Dia de los Libros" where they celebrate the Spanish language and Latino culture. There were art tables, a scavenger hunt, story time, and a 'make your own tortillas' station. Quite a few of Annaliese's classmates were able to go and several of them even read a book in Spanish during the story time! Annaliese was super excited to participate!
Kyle turned 36 on the 28th! We celebrated his birthday by getting a couple's massage and going out on a date! On Sunday, we met up with Kim and Kelsey and went for a hike to Clayton Beach. After we got back home, the girls gave him their present (a marble run...they knew exactly what they wanted to get him and were so excited to pick it out!) and we made gluten-free, dairy-free, brownies! 
And then there are always the other random pictures I find as I look back...


Annaliese has been using an app to learn the piano!

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