Monday, November 6, 2017

Halloween 2017

I am not much of a Halloween fan, but when you have little girls who like to dress up, it's hard not to do anything at all! Annaliese requested to be 'a rainbow unicorn with wings and a mermaid tail' and since Mallory wanted to be the same thing, Auntie Kelsey made them their costumes! And she did a stellar job, I might add!!

Haleigh decided to be Dorothy, from The Wizard of Oz, because she already had sparkly red shoes and that seemed perfect! She made a super cute little Dorothy!

Lydia went as Minnie Mouse, minus the Minnie Mouse ears, and she was also pretty cute!

We started our Halloween activities off by going to the Harvest Fall Festival on Friday evening at Birchwood Presbyterian Church. They had crafts, games, a bounce house, a cake walk, a cardboard maze, candy, and more candy! We went with Kim, Thane, Kelsey, and Grandma and all the cousins. They all had a good time!

On Saturday, Kyle and I dressed up as Bert and Mary Poppins and went to my work Halloween Party! Because I'm on the Float Pool Practice Council, Kyle and I arrived early to help set up a few last minute decorations.

Always a fan of the dogs!!
While we were at the party, the girls spent the night at Grandpa and Grandma's house. The plan was to go trick-or-treating in Fairhaven, but they arrived only to realize that it wasn't actually until Tuesday. Oops! I guess we read that wrong. At least they had fun dressing up!

On Tuesday, which was actually Halloween, I had to work, but Kyle dressed the girls up and took them out trick-or-treating through the neighborhood.

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