Thursday, November 23, 2017

A normal November

These first few weeks of November have been pretty uneventful. We haven't had much in the way of extra events, which has been okay! I thought I would get a few pictures up here before I get too far behind! Plus, with today being Thanksgiving and Annaliese's birthday coming up soon, I'm sure I will have more to write about in the coming days. 

I usually work Wednesdays and Grandma babysits the girls along with Malachi and Elias. This week was a little bit different and I had yesterday off, and with today being Thanksgiving, Mom wanted to finish a few things up at work and then get ready for today, so I watched Elias and Malachi. They had such a great time together! At one point, Malachi and Haleigh were both napping and Elias played with Lydia! It was adorable!!

And here are a bunch of random pictures from around the house:

Haleigh and her friend Faith. They took these selfies themselves! 

And another one! 

Showing off some of her new dance moves!

First hair cut! We only trimmed off about 2 inches...
and she didn't sit very still so there is no picture of afterwards!

We had the first snow of the season!

Annaliese and Kyle busy playing a game together!

I try to get up at 6:30 every day and have a few moments to myself...Haleigh will frequently get up and join me. She loves to get out her Precious Moments Bible and climb up on the couch to do Bible Study together!

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