Friday, October 27, 2017

Pumpkin Carving

Two weeks ago Kim, Kelsey, and I decided to have a bit of a crafting day at Kim's house. Kim has been working on a few different projects, Kelsey does a lot of sewing and I have been trying to get Haleigh's "First Year" photo album done for quite some time. (My goal was to finish it before Lydia was born...and then while I was on maternity leave...and now I have no time frame!) 

I took the girls with me to play while Kyle met up with a friend in Lynden to play racquetball. After he was done, he picked up Haleigh and Lydia and brought them home for their afternoon nap, which also meant that I was able to focus on my craft project with a lot fewer interruptions while Elias, Annaliese, and Mallory played together. 

In the evening, Kyle came back with the girls, Ben joined us, and my parents stopped by on their way home from Canada and we all had dinner together followed by some pumpkin carving. Annaliese had picked a pumpkin on her class field trip and had asked me multiple times if she could 'cut it and put a light in it.' 

The guys cleaning out the pumpkins for us!

Haleigh drew a face on her's so I would know where to carve it!

Annaliese asked for a flower

Kelsey carved a unicorn on Mallory's, Elias has a dinosaur, Haleigh has the smiley face and Annaliese's flower!

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