Monday, September 19, 2016

Welcome to our family Lydia Megan!

Lydia Megan finally arrived on Sunday, September 4 at 2:02 am. She was 21 inches long and 9 pounds 5 ounces!

I'm sure I will remember most of her birth story, but I like to write it down just in case:) On Friday, I went to the doctor for a routine 41-week check-up. They did a non-stress test that showed some regular but infrequent contractions (that I wasn't feeling) and measured the amount of amniotic fluid just to make sure there was still enough. Turns out this baby girl was floating around in a larger-than-normal amount of fluid! We went ahead and scheduled a date to be induced (the following Wednesday) but the doctor seemed pretty confident that I would be coming in on my own over the weekend!

Saturday evening things finally started happening! My hips started to hurt (which was the first sign of anything happening with Haleigh) so I called the childbirth center and we headed in. I was definitely having contractions so I was admitted and we prepared to have a baby!
Waiting in triage to see if this was actually going to happen tonight!

I needed to receive two doses of antibiotics before delivery and as soon as the second dose was in, the doctor came and in broke my water. As noted at the doctor's appointment, there was a lot of fluid in there! In fact, after she initially did it, the baby's head was still floating and she had to manipulate my abdomen to get the rest of the fluid out! After that, contractions (which I was only feeling in my hips) became more intense and after about 20 minutes, it was becoming hard not to push! I was only dilated to 8 cm at this point so I was instructed not to push and this 'not-pushing-during-contractions' was probably the hardest part of the whole process! It didn't take much longer to get to 10 and then our baby girl was born! That makes it sound easier than it actually reality, her head, her shoulder, and her belly got stuck. According to Kyle, the doctor had to pull and manipulate her quite a bit to get her out. And the first thing I recall is both the doctor and the respiratory therapist saying, "Wow, that's a big baby!"

Things have been pretty good since then! She took to nursing right away, hasn't stopped pooping and never did fit into any of her newborn clothes. We stayed at the hospital until Monday afternoon and, by that time, we were ready to get home and Annaliese and Haleigh were ready to be home too!

They pretty much adore her!!

Kissing those tiny little toes!

Annaliese and Haleigh checking out their little sister!

Grandma Tara and Lydia

Grandpa Glen and Lydia

Going home!

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