Tuesday, September 13, 2016

2 1/2 Years Old!

Haleigh is officially 2 1/2 years old and is so much fun to be around! 99% of the time she is happy, laughing, smiling and enjoying life to its fullest! There are definitely moments where I remind myself that she is a two year old, but overall, she is a great kid! 

So what is life like with a 2 1/2 year old in the house?

Sleeping: Haleigh sleeps on the bottom bunk with her purple bunny. She gets to turn on the sound machine before bed each night, likes to be cozy (which simply means she likes to have the blanket pulled up over her!) and gives multiple hugs and kisses before she is ready to go to sleep. Most of the time she goes right to sleep, but occasionally she turns on the light and wants to read or play at bedtime, in which case Annaliese reports every move that Haleigh is doing!! 

Haleigh still naps just about every afternoon, typically for about 2 hours. She seems to know when she is tired and rarely fights naptime!

Eating: Haleigh will eat all day long if we let her; she is definitely a grazer! She loves just about everything, with favorites being eggs, toast (or any bread), blueberries and all things chocolate. However, she occasionally gets into these moods where she will only eat if we feed her or she decides she's done and tells us "My food is all gone" even though she's only taken one or two bites! It can be a bit frustrating because of the food that ends up getting thrown away but you can't force a 2 year old to eat!!

Clothes: Most of her clothes are 2T; there are a few 3T shirts that have shrunk a little bit that fit her and a few pj's that are 3T that also fit pretty well. She is still wearing size 5 shoes but we are getting close to moving up a size. Haleigh also likes to wear panties and says she will go potty on the toilet but has yet to do so. Therefore, she typically can be found wearing panties over her diaper! 

Vocabulary: It is so fun to listen to Haleigh talk! She has a large vocabulary, uses complete sentences and has no problems communicating her needs! Recently she began calling Annaliese "sister" which is pretty cute and has started to call Lydia "Baby Widia."

Activities: Haleigh likes to play with Annaliese and follows her around the house frequently. However, when Annaliese isn't around, Haleigh does a great job playing by herself. She likes to color, play with stickers, look at books, push her lawn-mower around outside, play with water and the hose, and hold her baby sister. 

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