One day during Christmas vacation, we met Grandpa and Grandma, Uncle Thane and Auntie Kim up at the Sno-Park for some snow-shoeing.
Trying out the new snowshoes from Grandpa Jay and Grandma Kelley!
Along the North Fork of the Nooksack River
Grandma and Annaliese
We woke up one morning to a light dusting of snow at our house as well. Annaliese wanted to go out and play in it so we got all bundled up and went outside! Haleigh wasn't impressed and I'm pretty sure it took us longer to get dressed than we were actually outside for!
Making snow angels
For Christmas from Uncle Jon, Auntie Sarah, Reed, and Kieran we received a membership to the Whatcom Museum which has an area called the FIG which is designed specifically for kids. It has all kinds of fun activities so we decided to check that out one cold morning.
'Milking' the cow
This room had a mirror on one wall and a blank screen on the other where you could make fun shadows; the lights changed colors and the kids could also select different music to dance to.
Fancy magnets
More magnets
Getting ready to play outside