Monday, November 2, 2015

Our first school field trip!

Hopefully this is just the first of many fun school field trips that we get to go on now that Annaliese has started school! Her class went to the pumpkin patch last week and all the parents were invited (and by invited,  I mean we were responsible for getting our own child there!) It was really fun to see Annaliese interact with her friends and get to know a few of the parents more.

 Teamwork! They put some food in a little bucket and used the pulley system to raise the bucket up to the top where a goat was waiting to eat it!

 Enjoying a freshly picked apple


 Showing each other their pumpkins

They each got to pick a mini pumpkin...Annaliese made them into the shape on an 'A' for Annaliese:)

The field trip started with a brief introduction about the farm from one of the owners; we then took a wagon ride around the farm over to the pumpkin patch and apple orchard. The kids were all able to pick a pumpkin (and an apple off the tree) before we took the wagon back to where we had started. There we saw the farm animals and ate lunch. The weather forecast had indicated that it would be a cold, rainy morning but thankfully the rain held off and the sun was out!

It was interesting to go on a field trip with a Spanish Immersion class...Senora Polinder primarily spoke Spanish to the kids which meant she gave all directions in Spanish, told them the names of all the animals in Spanish, and prayed before lunch in Spanish. I am excited to see the kids learn more and more and begin to respond in Spanish as well! 

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