Our weeks were filled with the normalness of preschool and work. We were able to fit in a few fun weekend things, however and both the girls have been a lot of fun this month!
Annaliese has said a few funny things recently that I remembered to write down:
Driving to church, Annaliese is doing something in her carseat when all we hear is "oof-ta!" Definitely a Grandpa Glen-ism.
We were in the car last week heading to the grocery store and Annaliese said to me, "Mom, when I get big, am I going to drive too? What kind of a car are you going to get me?" (silent pause) "I want a car. And a dog. That's what I'm going to put on my birthday list."
Annaliese is into finding things to put in her treasure chest (usually dried leaves) doing art projects (mostly cutting and taping) and reading (currently the favorite book is Stellaluna.)
A little science experiment
Making our own lava lamp...it wasn't that impressive.
Kelsey and Mallory came up for a few days so we headed out to Silver Lake for a short walk and to check out the new playground.
Annaliese and Elias 'skipping rocks'
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