Sunday, July 6, 2014

Going Away Party

Going away parties are rather bittersweet. While it is fun to have all of the people we care about and are friends with come together, there is also the sad realization that some of these people we may not see ever again. I knew the time to say good-bye to people would come, but it seems like we talked about this move to Washington for so long, that it is a bit surreal that that time is here. But it is!

Today was our last Sunday at Harvest Church. This morning we realized how important it is to be at a church where we know people and are known by people; a place where we could be involved; a place where Annaliese loved going to Sunday School. I asked her what her favorite thing about going to church was and after thinking about it for a moment, looked at me and said, "My friends." So precious!

And yesterday was my last day at work. (I'll be honest, I'm pretty excited about that!)

Last weekend we invited friends and family to get together at the pet resort to give us a chance to see people before we head into this new adventure. And honestly, it was so fun to see so many people there!

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