Monday, July 14, 2014

Going Away Party #2

This past weekend we headed to Grandpa and Grandma Gillette's house for another going away party. We wanted the opportunity to see family and friends one more time before heading up to the Pacific Northwest.  All we had to do was mention the idea and Kelley took over and planned the rest!!

Check out those cheeks!

 Auntie M and Haleigh

 Annaliese, Reed, Claire, and Hannah

 Auntie Penny had the special touch...Haleigh appears to be quite comfortable!

 Tracy, Momma Joan, and Grandma Kelley

Debbie and Grandma Didi

It was so fun to see so many people together! There was a good combination of "We are sad to see you leave" combined with "You are going to have so much fun" and "this is such a great adventure!" that Kyle and I feel ready to do this! Plus, Grandma Kelley, Auntie Penny and their group of crazy friends promised to rent a motorhome and come visit! 

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